Quote of the Week

Never say you are "just" a teacher. That's like saying Clark Kent is "just" Superman.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Keys to a Successful School Year...by Jen Graves, Kindergarten Teacher at Rutland Elementary School

Each day is a new day and you have the ability to make it a great one!
Greet your students as they arrive each day.
Know your students beyond their name.
Form positive relationships with your students' parents.

Remain focused on the positive even when things don't go as planned. Your
reaction remains your choice. You have the ability to turn a negative situation
into a positive.

As you plan, think about how you might personalize instruction to individual
student personalities, abilities, interests, and needs. Design thoughtful and
engaging lessons and overplan. If you don't have a plan for them,
they'll always have one for you.
Provide opportunities for your students to move around.
Keep students busy and engaged.
Play music.
Talk in a normal voice and most times you'll get the same calm
outcome from your students. Use hand signals and other nonverbal
forms of communication.
Implement a clear discipline plan with rewards and consequences.

Think about how you will organize the classroom to create interest, interaction,
and cooperation. Organize your teaching materials and keep needed supplies
within easy reach.
Teach your students how to get and stay organized.
Add personal touches and arrange your room with purpose and for functionality.
Reflect on your day by writing in a journal.
Have fun!

Know your 's

Admit your mistakes and learn from them.
Be firm, but flexible and fair.
Communicate with your parents and your peers.

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