Quote of the Week

Never say you are "just" a teacher. That's like saying Clark Kent is "just" Superman.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Things You Can Do Daily To Be A Better Professional, by Michael DelBosco, Spanish Teacher at Lebanon High School

Being a super teacher and person on a daily basis can be difficult. However, doing the little things every day can help you to feel better about yourself and help you to become a better professional over time. What can you do?!
1.       Be positive. Look at your life in a positive way every day. Look at how your students are learning. Look at all you have accomplished today, this week, this semester, and this year. View challenges as opportunities. Try to see everything in a positive light; it will make all your days better.
2.       Be organized. Keep all of your materials and supplies in order and in place. Veteran teachers have tons of ideas to offer; just ask them. Organization can save you time in a crunch and throughout your day. It also sets a good example for your students; it may inspire them to keep their things organized and neat, too.
3.       Be prepared and timely. Get to work on time-even early! Get all of your materials ready the day before or the morning before your students arrive. Prepare for and get to meetings ahead of time; have paper and pen ready just in case you need to take notes or to jot down reminders or questions. This preparation will give you peace of mind for each new day with all its various activities.
4.       Be polite and thoughtful. The day is not just about you. Remember, you are here for your students. They need you. They look up to you. You need to set a good example for them by being nice and caring. Help them when you can, and do it in a thoughtful manner whenever possible. You are also here for your fellow man. Your coworkers may need you, too; help them—be it janitor, secretary, educational assistant, teacher, or administrator. They may need you to lift their spirits on a bad day, to listen to them, or to do them a simple favor. Do what you can to be nice and uplift or encourage all of those around you.
5.       Set goals. Think about what objectives you want your students to master. Think about what you want and need to achieve. Then, go for them! You CAN do it! Learn new things every day. Learn from lesson plans that did not work. Be flexible; change and improve. Solve problems for others and yourself. Make mistakes? Learn from them and set new goals. Be that overachiever who strives to succeed. Goals help us orient our lives to getting things done. Set them and meet them. Finishing daily goals can help us feel a sense of accomplishment that makes any day better.
6.       Take care of yourself. You do need to think of others at work; it’s just a natural part of our job with students. However, you need to take care of yourself, too. You cannot be the best you if you are sick or down. You need to take care of yourself physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. You need to take care of your body--eat right and exercise. You may need to spend time with friends and family to be in a good state of mind. You may also need to spend some time alone in peace and quiet. You need to have some fun and do things that you enjoy from time to time. All work and no play are not good for the body or the soul. You really do need to do these things for yourself in order to be a happy and whole person. Find the time for you throughout the week and over the weekends.
7.       Be grateful. Think of all the good things in your life and do it daily! Focusing on the good things in your life will help you on even your worst day. It may be hard to change your mindset from negative to positive, but it can help you move on and make it through that hard day. What was good today? Your one good student who did well. Your one good class. Your supportive administration. Your pet. Your lunch break. Your uplifting friend’s text. Your favorite team. Your mom. Your child. Your significant other. Your paycheck. Whatever it is; focus on it. And it probably is more than one thing; we are very blessed in this country. We have many things, and we have freedoms. Be grateful for all the wonderful things in your life; never forget them!

These seven things can be very beneficial in your professional and your private life. I am sure that you can think of other things that can help you, too. Work on them daily and you WILL be a better professional one day at a time. Maybe, even one day, you’ll be…a SUPER teacher! ;-)

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